Calendar at a glance:
Kids Day Pumpkin Painting, Sat. 10/22, 12-3PM @ Rear End Gastropub & Garage (399 Butler St)
Haunted Garden of Etna, Sat. 10/22 & Sun. 10/23, 5:30-7:30PM @ Garden of Etna (23 Locust St)
Hocus Pocus 2 & Brunch, Sun. 10/23, 12-2PM @ Pop-up Library (341 Butler St.) co-hosted by ECO and Millvale Youth Dance
Hotel Transylvania Movie Night, Sat. 10/29, 6-8PM @ Pop-up Library (341 Butler St.)
Halloween Light Decorating Contest, hosted by ENA, selected on 10/31
Etna Trick-or-Treating, Mon. 10/31, 5:30-dusk
The Scare House may have left (farewell, demented bunny) but there is still lots of creepy fun to be had in Etna this October. The Halloween spirit is already in the air which is evident as you stroll through the neighborhood and take in all of the spectacular decorations. Etna goes all out for spooky season, and the Etna Neighborhood Association has added the Halloween Light Decorating Contest to encourage even more spooky house displays. They'll be going street by street this month to find the most creative displays and will deliver awards to the winners at the end of the month.
As Halloween draws nearer, a plethora of family-friendly events will be popping up. Put on your costume on so you can pop over to the Garden of Etna on Sat. 10/22 and Sun. 10/23 from 5:30-7:30PM for the second annual Haunted Garden of Etna event. The Garden transforms into a haunted landscape with a creepy maze, gravestones, and monsters! There will be snacks, Halloween crafts, pumpkin decorating and more - just watch out for giant worms!
ECO & Millvale Youth Dance are hosting a movie and brunch event at the Etna Pop-up Library (341 Butler St.) on Sun. 10/23 at 12PM. We will be showing "Hocus Pocus 2" and will be whipping up pancakes while passing out snacks and drinks during the show. Families from Millvale and Etna are invited to attend!
Halloween falls on a Monday this year, but we're kicking off the festivities early. ECO will be hosting another Halloween movie showing on Sat. 10/29 at 6PM at the Pop-up Library. Throw on your costume and stop down for some Halloween treats and fun as we watch "Hotel Transylvania."
The grand finale of spooky season will be Etna Trick-or-Treating on Mon. 10/31 from 5:30- dusk. Our Etna neighbors will be out in droves, many transforming their porches and garages into spooky experiences to pass out candy and treats to Trick-or-Treaters. Etna Volunteer Fire Station 149 will be open and passing out Halloween bags, so be sure to stop by and say hello and thank them for keeping our community safe!
Speaking of safety, be sure to check all of your goodies before you dig in, and if you need help while out and about, flag down one of the patrolling Etna police officers or volunteer fire fighters. Happy Halloween everyone!