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ECC Wall-Busting Ceremony 9.23.2024

Robert Tuñón

Updates from the Etna Center for Community

Week of September 23-29, 2024
Above. Wall-busting ceremony video.

To celebrate the official construction commencement, the Etna Community Organization invited State Senator Lindsey Williams, State Representative Lindsay Powell, and their respective Chiefs of Staff, Megan Winters and Brennan Coleman, to participate a ceremonial "wall-busting" event on September 23, 2024.

1. Custom construction helmets. 2. Rep. Powell greeting Megan Winters, Sen. William's Chief of Staff.. 3-4. Sen. Williams at Wall-Busting Ceremony.

The ceremonial event began with a tour of the building and a review of the work ahead. Sen. Williams and Rep. Powell each sat down for an interview (see video above) to describe their emotions on this long-anticipated day, one that they had significantly contributed in helping Etna reach.

Above. Etna Community Organization staff and board members joined by Sen. Williams, Rep. Powell, Megan Williams, and Brennan Coleman.

The future site of the Etna Center for Community, located at 341-343 Butler Street, was originally configured as two distinct retail spaces that were separated by a long hallway and stair, which gave access to the residences on the second floor and to Ochse Hall on the third floor. As part of the future renovation, the stair will be relocated and the separating walls will be removed to create an interconnected ground floor for the library and community center. The "wall-busting" ceremony knocked down the "walls" between the two spaces, giving us the first view of how the space would feel once completely open.

Wall-busting: 1. Rep. Powell and Sen. Williams. 2. Megan Williams (Sen. Williams' Chief of Staff), Brennan Coleman (Rep. Powell's Chief of Staff). 3. ECO Board Members: Bridget Barrett, Alexis Boytim. 4. ECO Board Members: Ryan Gott and Nick Haberman.

As the wall panels were knocked down, there were cheers and laughter and sounds of joy. The time and effort that had been put into the visioning, project planning, community engagement, and fundraising stages finally had a physical and tangible result. With full construction around the corner, there were also deep signs of relief that we had reached this moment, that we never gave up in the face of daunting obstacles along the way.

Future work anticipated:

  • Continue exploratory demolition work.

  • Begin asbestos abatement.

  • Begin selective demolition bidding.

  • Start selective demolition scope of work.

Photo credits: James Robinson, Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus
Video credits: Robert Tuñón
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